As a member of the JRC family for over 10 years, I have seen first-hand the effectiveness of JRC’s treatment methodology. JRC accepts the most difficult students in the country to serve, and often acts as a treatment of last resort for these students, who have severe behavior problems that have prevented them from functioning successfully in their normal environments.

birthday celebration

A proud mom celebrates her son’s birthday with him at JRC

With the foregoing as a brief backdrop, the parents of these students have typically endured years of heartache and unsuccessful treatment attempts for their children.

In speaking with JRC parents, my lasting take-away image is their remarkable strength and unconditional love and support for their children. The parent journey is tireless; they are often forced to act as advocates for their children and for the services to which their children are entitled. As a parent myself, I know you want the best for your child, including treatment services – and JRC parents are no different. Until you have walked a day in their shoes, please don’t judge.

At JRC, parents have found the least restrictive, most effective treatment available to their children, enabling them to live happy and fulfilling lives.

As a JRC staff member, I am fortunate enough to see “minor miracles” on a regular basis; including countless examples of students who have gone on home visits for the first time in years. Such minor miracles provide hope and encouragement to parents alike – and the people to whom I attribute the most credit, are the parents themselves, whose unwavering love and support during their journey has made JRC’s treatment accessible and possible.

JRC parents – you are an inspiration to all of us who are privileged to work with your children.

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